5 most common aesthetic procedures in the UK today

To call 2020 an unpredictable year may be one of the biggest understatements of all time, and the aesthetics sector, in particular, experienced a rollercoaster of surprises. People simultaneously adopted a digital lifestyle, spending more time looking at themselves on camera than ever before, along with an almost entirely private at-home existence. So when plastic surgery procedures in the UK were finally sanctioned, the demand was personal, profound and unleashed. 

Rozina Ali, a top-rated female plastic surgeon highly qualified in aesthetic treatments, shared with us some of her insights into the 5 most common aesthetic procedures in the UK today.

1. Breast augmentation

Breast enhancement of shape, size, proportion and symmetry has been a primary aesthetic goal, seemingly from time immemorial. Today, breast augmentation is the most popular form of plastic surgery that is performed in the UK

The most obvious objective of most breast augmentation surgeries is to increase the size and secondarily to enhance shape and proportionality. This self-realisation of form and sexual function is one of the most overt displays of female superpowers.


Breast augmentation is offered as a general anaesthetic day case procedure with no drains or dressings necessary, simply steri-strips and a supportive surgical garment. The procedure is expertly carried out safely in a CQC registered hospital facility. Soreness and swelling are likely for a few days after surgery. Bruising is occasionally possible, too. The implants themselves may take several months to settle into position, stretching the overlying tissues and enhancing the appearance of the breasts as they expand the lower pole. 

Scars are well hidden (under the breast crease) and short and will fade over the course of 18-24 months until they are barely noticeable. There are several useful recovery tips that will help you recover with the best possible aesthetic outcome.

2. Liposuction

The second most popular cosmetic surgery of 2020, liposuction still remains on the podium of the most common procedures performed. Whether we think about face liposuction, stomach, arms or butts - 1 of every 6 people has had one before they reached 30 years old.

Lockdown weight gain and sedentary living are driving the need for liposuction at this time, but other factors are in play that keeps liposuction one of the aesthetic surgery perennial favourites:-

Men and women alike increasingly want any interventions to be less noticeable with minimal downtime and minimal scars.

Technological advancements have made it possible to gain significant aesthetic results while minimizing inconvenience and risk. 

In this world of social media, savvy influencers and lightening fast trends, more and more people want to look like their idols and are adopting a celebrity look, culture and Faux Facebook lifestyle. It looks good, it feels good.

Liposuction promises big changes through small (3-5mm) incisions. A blunt-tipped cannula is directed to the target areas and using any of the primary liposuction modalities (mechanical, fluid, ultrasonic), the fat is broken up and dislodged. The suction is designed to permanently remove the dislodged, damaged and loosened fat cells. The aim is a tight, smooth, sculpted appearance in the area where the fat deposits were removed. The surgery is the passive, short early stage of the process, it is then followed by weeks of wearing a compression garment day and night to ensure the skin settles back into the right position with minimal irregularities. 

3. Facelift 

A face-lift (rhytidectomy) is a cosmetic surgical procedure meant to create a younger, more lifted appearance of your face. The procedure can reduce the sagging or folds of skin on the cheeks and jawline and other changes in the shape of your face that occur with age (squaring off, jowls) 

In the past, facelifts were usually considered in your 60’s. – to return a younger-looking appearance. Nowadays there are increasing options from your 40’s to maintain a taut younger-looking appearance, with no plans to ever lose it.


Starting to plan for the future at a young age is a smart option and can lead to a more youthful and natural ageing process. Most people under the age of 30 should already be taking care of their skin with regular routines simple such as applying sunscreen every day and avoiding lengthy exposure to direct sunlight. By avoiding UV damage, you dramatically slow the development of fine lines, wrinkles, age spots and sagging skin. Intrinsic or natural ageing is a natural and beautiful process. Extrinsic ageing due to sun damage and external environmental factors is unnatural and unnecessary and can be mitigated with good facial skincare.

Oh the irony, see a plastic surgeon early enough and you may avoid surgery!

 4. Neck lift

Caring for ageing skin isn’t exclusive to your face. The skin on your neck also shows signs of ageing caused by sun damage, environmental factors, and unhealthy lifestyle habits. Loose, saggy skin can gather and create what some refer to as a “turkey neck.” A neck lift restores smooth, youthful contours to the neck and jawline for an enhanced appearance.

A neck lift, or lower rhytidectomy, is a surgical procedure that improves visible signs of ageing in the jawline and neck. It can treat different problems from excess fat and skin relaxation in the lower face that creates jowls, to muscle banding which creates abnormal contours. During your neck lift, your surgeon will make incisions behind the ears and/or under the chin. This provides access to the muscles within the neck, which are tightened and held in place by sutures. Any excess skin is removed along with fatty tissue.

There are, various and varied nonsurgical rejuvenation treatments to rejuvenate the chin/neck area but few are as effective as a neck lift performed surgically. They may, however, delay the time at which a neck lift becomes appropriate and complement the results of surgery.

5. Abdominoplasty

Too many tummies have grown larger than planned during lockdown and requests for a tummy tuck or abdominoplasty! 

An abdominoplasty helps patients attain the otherwise unattainable by tightening the fascia over the abdominal muscles and removing excess fat and skin from the lower abdomen or a slimmer,  more toned and sculpted stomach that lasts for years.

Tummy tuck treatment targets two main issues: excess skin and laxity or separation of the vertical abdominal muscles. The surgery can flatten your abdomen by removing loose, excess fat and skin (maybe removing the stretch marks in your lower abdomen following pregnancy) and tightening muscles in the abdominal wall. It also leaves you with a well placed and planned scar, located in the bikini area.

There are several different options to consider when deciding to undergo a tummy tuck such as full abdominoplasty, mini-abdominoplasty, or high lateral tension abdominoplasty. A personal consultation with your FRCS (Plast) trained plastic surgeon will help you determine the best option for you.