Facial rejuvenation procedures - surgical vs non-surgical options

In recent years, there has been a plethora of options to help your face look better and younger, including non-surgical procedures like dermal fillers or toxins, technologies such as radiofrequency and microneedling and surgical options such as blepharoplasty or various facelift procedures. 

With so many choices for achieving facial rejuvenation, how do you know which one is right for you? 

The truth is that the decision to go surgical or non-surgical is quite unique to every individual and it depends on a variety of factors. In this article, doctor Rozina Ali, a renowned plastic surgeon in the UK, will cover some of the characteristics of both surgical and non-surgical facial procedures to help you decide which one is right for your needs. 


First of all, what is facial rejuvenation?

Facial rejuvenation refers to any of many aesthetic treatments designed to restore more youthful, repositioned or healthier-looking facial features. It can be achieved through non-invasive technologies, minimally invasive injectables and/or discrete surgical options. 

Time constraints, financial pressures, issues with downtime all influence the strategies and timing designed to achieve the outcome you desire. Only an expert plastic surgeon with expertise in both surgical and non-surgical techniques can help you decide what types of procedures best suit your needs. 

Recommended reading: How to find a plastic surgeon you can trust

Surgical procedures

If you are looking for results that are radical and long-lasting, then a surgical facial rejuvenation may be the right option for you. Surgical procedures often have a much more significant impact on your overall appearance and give you long-lasting results.

Th e surgical field of significant but invasive procedures includes blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery), neck lift, and of course facelift

The pros & cons of surgical procedures

The strongest pro fora  surgical interventions is if there is excess tissues that cannot be lifted or accommodated and require excision. Then surgery offers a definitive solution and a radical ‚instantaneous’ change almost overnight. A facelift can make you look younger in various ways: it removes, excess tissues. Tightens underlying structures, lifts tissues back into place and ‚augments’ contours. the effects last an agreeably long time

Although an excellent option, do be aware that any ‚permanent’ cosmetic surgery procedures do still require you to look after yourself after the procedures in order to maintain the outcome and make it more long-lasting.


On the other hand, although facelift it's a procedure commonly performed with a great safety record, it’s still surgery, meaning there’s always a risk and there is a lot of aftercare needed. General anaesthesia poses a risk for some people, including older adults and people with health conditions such as obesity and diabetes. Surgical procedures are not advised in active smokers and some people have an increased risk factor due to underlying disorders or medication- and it does take time to recover. 

Non-surgical procedures

With the rise of minimally invasive cosmetic treatments, such as neurotoxin, mesotherapy and Facial Fillers clients now no longer have to resort to a surgical procedure in order to achieve certain aesthetic and anti-ageing goals. However, with the wide variety of choices, it has become harder to determine which procedure is right for you.

Although some treatments sound enticing, they may be unsuitable for certain skin types or the course of treatments be protracted or sub-optimal. This is why an expert consultation and facial assessment is key to achieving the most favourable outcome. 

The pros & cons of non-surgical procedures

Non-surgical procedures can be remarkably aesthetically effective and maybe more cost-effective than surgery. The procedures are designed to be comfortable and brief, with no serious pain involved, recovery time is minimal and the results can be transformational. Non-surgical options are often a  very necessary adjunct to surgical procedures. A naturally rejuvenated appearance leads to a significant increase in confidence. 


With the help of minimally invasive procedures, you can restore volume, reduce wrinkles, rehydrate tissues to reveal a more healthy and beautiful complexion. 

Non-invasive options such as skincare, peels, radiofrequency skin tightening are all used to enhance the outcome and restore youthful contours and luminosity.

Depending on your needs, you must always consider there are both surgical and non-surgical procedures that you can undergo, as well as advantages and disadvantages to both of them. One thing that could help you make the right decision is to seek advice from a plastic surgeon and also take into consideration a professional point of view.