Beautiful Naturally: Understanding the Rise of Natural Dermal Fillers

Beautiful. Naturally: Understanding the Rise of Natural Dermal Fillers

In recent years the beauty industry has seen a significant shift towards more holistic and natural solutions to address skincare concerns and achieve aesthetic enhancements. Dr Rozina Ali is an early advocate and pioneer of regenerative aesthetics; those treatments that magically harness the body’s own mechanisms for renewal and healing to combat signs of ageing and return lost volume. Here she discusses how the popular, traditional dermal filler approach is being revolutionised by the regenerative aesthetic mindset.

As you age, your body begins to lose collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid. Fat pads deflate, ligaments sag and tissues dehydrate. Gravity makes its presence known as your tissues deplete, dehydrate, and descend. Dermal fillers have long been a popular and effective treatment option in aesthetic medicine for achieving youthful and rejuvenated skin. They can enhance facial features, smooth wrinkles, combat the signs of ageing and add contour and volume.

There is no one Dermal filler. In fact there are there are several types of fillers available, each developed to treat or correct certain areas. Each type of filler has been developed to deliver the right amount of flexibility and cohesion for specific areas of the face and can be customised depending on the desired outcomes. Dr Rozina Ali, a certified plastic surgeon, can help identify the best option for you.

Natural dermal fillers are becoming an increasingly popular option as they present a more sustainable and biologically derived option. For example, Facial fillers made of hyaluronic acid - a natural component of skin that, as we age, reduces causing loss of skin volume, tone, elasticity, and hydration - can be used to successfully re-inflate skin volume and restore plumpness and hydration.

Rozina has long held that “Fat is the future’ and has been using concentrated, purified fat to practice facial rejuvenation for over a decade. Fat transfer also known as fat grafting, autologous fat transfer, lipofilling or lipo-injection is the ultimate in tissue enhancement, and is the very definition of tissue upcycling. Fat is removed from areas of excess (abdomen, flanks, thighs, knees, back etc) and transplanted to areas that would benefit from rejuvenation, regeneration or volume enhancement. Fat transfer may be used to add volume to some areas of the face (temples, cheeks), but often the stem cell component of fat transfer is used to enhance skin quality, soften creases and wrinkles and enhance the luminosity of the skin.

Dr Rozina Ali is also delighted to offer the state of the art biological Dermal filler from Cellenis®. In this treatment, a small amount of blood is drawn from the patient, which is then processed to extract platelet-rich plasma (PRP). The remaining platelet poor plasma (PPP) is heated to create a bio gel, which is then mixed with the concentrated PRP to form the Derma Filler. The natural Dermal filler is injected into skin to stimulate collagenproduction, improve texture, and enhance elasticity as well as providing a volumising effect.

This soft natural filler is also useful for lips and can be injected into difficult areas like the temples and glabella (vertical forehead lines).

The quest for sustainable, natural solutions in aesthetic medicine is more than a trend. It is a major disruptor to the beauty industry and here to stay. As always, consulting with a qualified and experienced practitioner is key to achieving the best possible results and Dr Rozina Ali has long been at the forefront of the natural regenerative revolution. See what she can do for you.

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