Tummy tuck versus liposuction

The abdominal area can be a stubborn area of the body to achieve a flat, taut or smooth appearance. One of the harder aesthetic achievements for any body type is a flat-toned stomach even when a quality diet or regular exercise is maintained. Cosmetic surgery can help with this via a tummy tuck or liposuction procedures. However, many people are confused as to which option is best positioned to help achieve the look they desire.

Rozina Ali, a top-rated plastic surgeon highly qualified in liposuction and fat transfer surgery, shared with us some useful information that may help you choose the best procedure for your needs and be sure you will get the best possible aesthetic outcome.

What is the difference between liposuction and tummy tuck procedure? 

Abdominoplasty (also called a “tummy tuck”) and liposuction are in fact two different surgical procedures that aim to change the appearance of your midsection. Both procedures claim to make your stomach appear flatter, tighter, and smaller. They’re both performed by plastic surgeons and are considered “cosmetic,” so they aren’t covered by health insurance.

The decision for choosing to undergo a tummy tuck or liposuction surgery comes as a result of child-bearing or obesity. While liposuction is ideal for people already at or very near their target weight with good skin elasticity and muscle tone, removing isolated fat deposits in a variety of targeted areas including the abdomen, chest, and hips, a tummy tuck is best for removing excess fat and skin, while also tightening loosened abdominal muscles – giving you a firmer, flatter midsection.

How the recovery process differs?

A tummy tuck is a more invasive procedure than liposuction, as your cosmetic surgeon needs to make an incision and tighten your abdominal muscles. As a result, you should expect longer recovery times and more visible scarring. Post-surgical recovery often requires 2-3 weeks of rest before returning to work or light movement. A return to moderate or strenuous activity can take up to 3 months, at which point muscles and incisions have both fully healed. 

On the other hand, liposuction is a cosmetic surgery that requires a less invasive procedure and does require a recovery period, but compared with a tummy tuck, recovery is often shorter and easier. Most patients can resume light activity within 2-3 days of their surgery. Moderate to strenuous activity can resume after 2-3 weeks.

Liposuction + Tummy tuck

While liposuction and tummy tuck procedures are both great on their own, many patients choose to have them together. Depending on the problem areas you’re looking to correct, it might make sense for you to have both procedures done. 

In reality, liposuction typically goes hand-in-hand with a tummy tuck so your cosmetic surgeon can liposuction the upper part of your abdomen while you’re still under general anaesthesia. Having liposuction and a tummy tuck together can also target stubborn fat deposits around your waist, hips and flanks, sculpting the entire midsection. 

While both liposuction and tummy tuck are excellent aesthetic procedures it’s extremely important to determine what specific issues must be corrected to determine the best course of treatment. 

To decide what will be the best course of action for you, consult with an experienced and expert plastic surgeon. They’ll be able to guide you on what will both keep you safe and produce the best results, giving you newfound confidence in your figure for years to come.