Things you should know before having a blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery)

Droopy eyelids, wrinkles, bags under the eyes - these are making you appear tired or even older than you are. Fortunately, an eyelid surgery (also known as blepharoplasty) can improve your appearance and restore your confidence, making your eyes appear more open and rested.

First of all, what is blepharoplasty?

Blepharoplasty is one of the most popular plastic surgeries in the United Kingdom and it refers to trimming of excess skin and/or removal or shrink of excess fat in the eyes area (upper or lower eyelids).

There are three types of eyelid surgery - before choosing which one is right for you, you should meet with your plastic surgeon and decide together which will work best for your needs.

● Upper blepharoplasty: This type of surgery can provide a more open, smoother appearance of the upper eyelid and additionally relax some of the creases of your forehead where your muscles are working hard to keep your heavy upper lids open.

● Lower blepharoplasty: This procedure is focused on removing the fat’ bags’ under the eyes, and the wrinkles around them due to stretched or saggy skin. The procedure is designed to result in tighter and smoother skin, giving a less tired, more youthful appearance.

● Double blepharoplasty: Treating both upper and lower eyelids in combination is a remarkably effective procedure in achieving instant rejuvenation of the upper half of the face, creating a wider, larger-looking eye and a fresher, younger appearance.

Things you should know before having a blepharoplasty

Rozina Ali, an experienced plastic surgeon in London, is answering every question you might have before having an eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) - here are her answers:

1. Are the results immediate?

Yes, but the dressings and swellings may disguise some of the benefits. It may take several weeks for the post-surgical swelling to subside completely, which means you will see gradual improvements in your results. In fact, the final outcome after having a blepharoplasty can take six months or longer.


2. Are the results permanent?

Eyelid surgery has long-lasting results – the excess skin and fat is permanently removed- however, this depends on the elasticity of your skin, on your genetics, on your facial muscles, and on how good your sun protection and skincare regimen is! If you take care of the eyes area after the blepharoplasty, you will benefit for years. Don’t forget to moisturize and use SPF daily in order to maintain the results of eyelid surgery as long as possible.

3. Will I have a scar?

As with any surgical procedure, some scarring is to be expected in blepharoplasty, but the incisions are usually placed discreetly within the eyelid crease of the upper lid, or just beneath the lash line of the lower lid. The resultant scar should be barely noticeable after healing.

4. Does it involve anaesthesia?

Upper eyelid surgery is usually carried out as a local anaesthetic day case procedure. Upper and lower lid blepharoplasty may be more comfortable as a general anaesthetic day case, but it’s all a matter of personal choice.

Eyelid surgery is very often combined with other aesthetic procedures such as a facelift or fat transfer to the face.

5. What are the risks?

Blepharoplasty, like any surgery, has its risks. Most common side effects are temporary swelling and bruising, but these are part of the normal healing process. Discuss your concerns regarding the risks with your doctor during the first consultation - a qualified plastic surgeon will be able to answer all your questions.

6. Will my vision be affected after the surgery?

No. Your vision is unimpaired, however, the dressings may lead to temporarily blurry vision but it will recover fully when the dressings and sutures are removed at day 5

7. What is the recovery period?

The recovery process usually takes around 1-2 weeks for upper blepharoplasty and 2-3 weeks for lower blepharoplasty. However, most patients are able to return to work within a few days after surgery.

Are you considering a blepharoplasty? Want to know more?