What is lipofilling? Uses and advantages

Lipofilling is one of the most pioneering, innovative and promising procedures developed by plastic surgeons across the globe. It is also one of Rozina’s premier specialities and the reason the procedure is in so much demand are its amazing rejuvenating effects,  minimal incisions and limited recovery time.

What is lipofilling?

Lipofilling, also known as fat transfer or lipomodelling, is a procedure that effectively uses your own fat to increase the volume or tissue quality of another area. Lipofilling has become more popular as its use has become more reliable and predictable for procedures such as facial rejuvenation, scar enhancement, scalp rejuvenation and volume enhancement for areas such as the breasts.


Facial Lipofilling procedure

This technique was introduced in 1987 by Coleman and has been consistently refined since then but still consists of three major steps: lipo-aspiration under low pressure, centrifugation to separate cells and reinjection in 3D. Such techniques provide a ‘drier’ fat stock and are rich in stem cells.

Breast Lipofilling procedure

The first step is similar to high volume liposuction – a tumescent or wet technique involving fat aspiration from the deeper fatty layers (usually from your inner thighs, hips, buttock or abdomen) but at lower suction and with a gentler fluid infiltration. The fat is then separated from the body fluid using a washing and filtering system resulting in a more liquid fatty tissue ready to be injected where needed.


Uses of fat transfer in aesthetic surgery

Fat is the richest source of adult stem cells, containing pluripotential stem cells similar to the ones found in the bone marrow. This means the lipofilling procedure (fat transfer) can be used to heal tissue, to treat painful nerves, but also to improve the appearance of many body areas. 

Most popular uses are:


Advantages of lipofilling:

  • Lipofilling offers a natural solution for a more youthful appearance, being able to safely and naturally fill even deep wrinkles.

  • When used in breast augmentation, the results feel natural and soft to the touch.

  • Lipofilling offers permanent results (although appearance will vary depending on weight/fat fluctuations)

  • Fat cells can even the texture of your skin and create a smoother appearance, especially in those area affected by scarring.

  • Lipofilling requires liposuction, which means less fat in at least one area of excess (thigs, back, abdomen etc)

  • As it uses your own fat, there is no ‘rejection’ or inflammation reaction

  • Immediate improvement in your appearance following lipofilling (fat transfer)

  • It’s a virtually scarless procedure (compared to breast implants where the scar, although well-placed and short, is still permanent)

  • Minimal downtime

  • True upcycling of your own fat tissue.

  • Rejuvenation of aged, deflated, empty tissues

  • An example of ‘Regenerative Aesthetics’ where your tissue quality and cell factors are regenerated.