Breast enhancement by age - which procedure is the right one for you?

Your breasts change as you get older - from how they look, to how they feel. If you’re considering a breast enhancement procedure it is important to take into account the natural evolution of the breast and the processes that influence their shape and size. We’ll be talking about them below, in order to find out what breast enhancement surgeries are right for what ages:


In your 20s your breast size can fluctuate for various reasons: as you gain or lose weight, after pregnancy & breastfeeding, and even depending on your menstrual cycle, when hormones can cause breasts to get swollen. Other post-pregnancy changes are larger nipples and darker areolas - unlike the full swollen breasts of pregnancy, these changes are here to stay.

The right breast enhancement:

  • Breast augmentation with implants is one of the most common breast surgery requests we get for this age group. That’s because implants offer ‘bang for your buck’, definite & defined volume enhancement, structural support. The youthful quality of your skin, dense bones and healthy body are enough to accommodate the extra volume and weight in your chest. Good posture and good skin quality are essential to assimilating larger implants and the use of affordable and often temporary breast implants will remain the mainstay of breast enhancement in this age group. If you choose implants in your 20s, you should know they are not a lifetime device; age, gravity and hormonal changes will likely require them to be removed or replaced at some time in the next 10+ years.

  • Breast reduction surgeries are also common, especially when the breasts are very heavy and come in the way of daily activities (such as exercise, travel, sports). Even if young bodies are able to support large breasts, young minds, young ideals and fledgeling relationships may not. It’s never too soon to consider breast reduction if they are getting you down emotionally or physically BUT there are implications for breast feeding and the future so a detailed and informed consultation is essential.



In your 30s, the skin of your breasts can start to stretch, either as a result of pregnancy or weight fluctuations or hormonal changes - this can lead to sagging breasts, loss of upper pole volume and sometimes stretch marks.

The right breast enhancement:

  • Breast uplift is a good choice for women in their 30s with plenty of breast tissue if they are confronting saggy breasts and loose skin after significant weight loss for example. Breast uplift is the most chest rejuvenating procedure resulting in pert, shapely breasts, smaller areola and can make the entire chest/decolletage appear younger.

  • If there’s not quite enough volume for an uplift alone, then a breast uplift with breast augmentation either as a combined procedure or as a series of procedures can lead to very fulfilling results. The breast volume can be enhanced with an implant, or more naturally with fat. Rozina has coined the term lipolift for er combined uplift/lipofilling procedure.

  • Breast augmentation using fat transfer is a great offering for women over 30 looking for specific areas to be enhanced such as the upper pole or cleavage. It’s also great after breastfeeding if you’ve got good quality tissues and more deflation than drooping.

    Fat transfer has limitation in how big you can go (1-1.5 cup sizes) but if used wisely is a wonderful and permanent soft volume enhancer. Rozina describes it as the ‘ultimate in upcycling’ it uses fat from areas of excess to enhance volume where you do want it and gives a more natural look and feel to your breasts. 

  • Increasingly women are requesting volume and shape enhancement using fat transfer + structural support with a smaller round implant. This is an excellent step in the right direction to minimising implant size and weight on the shoulders but enhancing breast shape and volume.


In your 40s, as you inch towards lower oestrogen levels as you get closer to menopause, skin quality deteriorates, breast tissue starts to involute and breasts become less firm and less pert and breast tissue becomes replaced with fat. This is the age when you lose skin elasticity and your breasts become less dense…and fall into your bra or hang lower on your chest

The right breast enhancement:

  • Breast augmentation using fat transfer is very popular at this stage and is often chosen to reverse the signs of skin ageing as well as improve breast contours and volume without adding too much additional weight.

  • There is still a role for breast implants to add structure, but this may be better combined with a breast uplift otherwise the implant may sit high on the chest as the breast tissue slides down with time (waterfall or double bubble deformity) or the implant will fall with the descending breast tissue to accentuate the ‘ball in a sock’ deformity.

  • This age is the time to consider smaller implants combined with fat transfer or to contemplate shaped breast implants (DiagonGel) or lightweight implants (B-lite) to try to lift the breast tissues over the implant and enhance shape whilst minimising weight on the chest.

  • Implant exchange - if you’ve had a previous breast augmentation, you are probably ready to exchange your implants or to find out new methods of augmentation.


As you may have guessed, breasts after 50 years old appear smaller as your skin lacks elasticity, they may look elongated and the cleavage appears wider and hollower than before. Stretch marks and wrinkles may also appear on the breast skin. This is a great time to consider moving fat from your lower body to enhance breast volume, shape and skin quality. It’s not necessarily a great time to consider implants which may well need upkeep, maintenance including removal or replacement in later years. Again this is all about personal preference and requires an informed consultation about you, your lifestyle, your hopes and your breasts.

The right breast enhancement for any age

  • Breast augmentation is becoming more and more common in a wider age range - from 18years to over 80years. That means a lot of changes in your breast tissues, your physique, your hormones and your preferences. Older women with active lifestyles and exacting requirements who want the very best for themselves at any age, warrant the best quality surgery, implants and understanding.

    Breasts are a veritable moving feast and as you age and reach different stages of your breast life, different products, techniques and surgeries come into their own or you require a combination of such. So, whether you need to consider a dermal matrix to offer support or polyurethane coated implants or lightweight implants to inflate tissues, from moderate fresh fat transfer to enhance shape or fill contour defects to serial stored fat transfer to give volume and quality, my advice is always the same. Come, talk to an expert.