5 post-surgery tips from a top-rated plastic surgeon

Undergoing cosmetic surgery is an exciting, “milestone” procedure for most patients, as it results in improved self-esteem and appearance. Understandably, many patients want to accelerate their recovery process so they can enjoy these changes and return to their normal daily activities and habits sooner.

Every patient and procedure is different, so many variables can affect how much recovery time you can expect to need after going through one or more surgical procedures. However, the good news is that you can significantly impact your recovery process by carefully following all your surgical team’s post-operative instructions. Rozina Ali, a top-rated plastic surgeon in the UK, highly qualified in aesthetic & reconstructive procedures, shares with us some useful tips on how to get the best results after plastic surgery.

Have realistic expectations

First of all, keep in mind that your recovery process is just that – a process. Whether you opted for a facelift, breast augmentation or liposuction, you’re going to look and feel worse before you get better. Just about all types of cosmetic surgery procedures involve bruising and swelling. You won’t be able to see the full effect of your results for a few days, or longer. Don’t panic, as stress can interfere with your body’s natural healing time.

Depending on what procedure(s) you have chosen to get, your recovery time could range from a few days to a few weeks. Plan accordingly for how your post-surgical downtime will affect your work, family responsibilities and social schedule. Also, arrange for a family member or friend to take care of you for the initial 48 to 72 hours after surgery. Even though you may believe you can resume your normal routines right away, having someone there to help you will bring peace of mind and allow you to focus on your healing. If you do not have someone to take care of your post-operative needs, ask about our post-operative nursing care service.

Don’t stay in bed all-day

Many patients are surprised when advised NOT to stay in bed all day after surgery. Being too sedentary can be just as harmful as doing too much too soon. Regular movement not only helps keep you from getting stiff and achy, but it also helps prevent potentially dangerous complications such as blood clots. Taking slow, short walks and light stretching throughout the day also encourage healthy circulation, which means more healing nutrients are getting to the operated area. Moving your body keeps important systems moving, including your digestive system.

Frequent, yet easy movement is key. You should not break a sweat or breathe hard—these are signs that your heart rate and blood pressure are rising, both of which can slow healing. When stretching, be gentle and take care not to strain your incision sites, which can stretch or open. During the first 24 to 48 hours after surgery, have someone with you to help you get up and sit down, as you will likely be a little shaky on your feet. And of course, follow your board-certified plastic surgeon’s instructions at all times.

Healthy habits inside & out

What you put in and on your body not only impacts your surgical results, it can make a huge difference in your overall health. For instance, most top-rated cosmetic surgeons require patients to quit smoking tobacco for at least a few weeks before and after surgery. As we also pointed out when discussing PRE-surgery tips, nicotine greatly impacts your body’s ability to heal, resulting in prolonged recovery times and, potentially, complications that can lead to pain, bleeding, and more visible scarring. Excessive alcohol consumption is another pitfall you’ll want to avoid as there are a number of health drawbacks to overdoing it when it comes to drinking.

Pro tip: Be honest with your surgeon about your lifestyle habits. Let them know if you smoke, how much you drink, any medications you are on, and even what supplements or vitamins you use both internally and externally. Your surgeon will let you know the steps you should take to prepare for surgery and what to avoid to ensure your results are optimal.

Plan to recover

Take time out. The recovery phase is as important as the surgery and determines both the aesthetic outcome and how you feel about the whole process. 

The best course of action would be to prepare a recovery area that could include your bed at night or that favourite recliner or sofa for the day. You should make sure you have a place where you can be comfortable and immobile for the initial phase of your recovery. Place things helpful to your healing and items that will help you pass this time such as books, music or movies and do not forget your prescribed medication, water and lots of pillows. 

You will have to eat too, so - especially for people who live alone - make sure you have plenty of meals prepared for when you get back from the hospital. Place in the refrigerator or freezer to access daily and warm in the microwave. Treat yourself to your favourite meals if appropriate during your recovery. 

Every patient needs different care

Keep in mind that the recovery process following plastic surgery differs from patient to patient, and just as importantly, the type and number of procedures you choose to undergo.

Whether it’s taking prescribed medication at certain times, when it’s safe for you to pick up your regular exercise regimen, or how to care for your surgical incisions to minimize scarring, your surgical team can provide the best advice for a safe and healthy recovery. Follow all the above-mentioned plastic surgery recovery tips to reduce your recovery time.